STRENGTHSForward Focus Group
Mon., Feb. 17, 3:00-4:30 PM Central
We're developing a year long program that empowers Christian leaders for increasingly collaborative ministry and we want to hear from you!
Think ancient practices, modern tools.
(online learning + live webinars + personal coaching)
Interested in teasing out that idea together? Join the Zoom focus group. Help refine this approach to better serve faith-driven leaders like you. Your talents, your callings, your STRENGTHSForward!
Limited to 8 participants.
Mon., Feb. 17, 3:00-4:30 PM Central
We're developing a year long program that empowers Christian leaders for increasingly collaborative ministry and we want to hear from you!
Think ancient practices, modern tools.
(online learning + live webinars + personal coaching)
Interested in teasing out that idea together? Join the Zoom focus group. Help refine this approach to better serve faith-driven leaders like you. Your talents, your callings, your STRENGTHSForward!
Limited to 8 participants.
Mon., Feb. 17, 3:00-4:30 PM Central
We're developing a year long program that empowers Christian leaders for increasingly collaborative ministry and we want to hear from you!
Think ancient practices, modern tools.
(online learning + live webinars + personal coaching)
Interested in teasing out that idea together? Join the Zoom focus group. Help refine this approach to better serve faith-driven leaders like you. Your talents, your callings, your STRENGTHSForward!
Limited to 8 participants.